ERP Integration

Our dedicated engineering team will assist you with all the necessary steps to allow your Inventory Management solution to communicate with our systems. This integration will allow the exchange of information such as product specifications, orders, incoming transfer, tracking numbers etc. We support a range of e-commerce solutions out-of-the-box, but we also support more complex integrations such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and proprietary API.

BI insights.

Web dashboard

We can provide you with an online interface that displays real-time data about order, inventory and a number of other KPI. We also offer some additional features, including but not limited to:

  • Single Sign-on (SSO)
  • Customised layouts
  • Custom data views
Insights and reports

With our expert knowledge we can help to forecast run rates combined with shipping methods into the EU to maximise stock availability and minimise overstock situations.

Low error rates

Our fully-digital management workflow tracks each product from the moment they enter the warehouses until the moment we hand it over to the shipping carrier, allowing us to reach a near-zero error rate.

In-house scanning software

Our proprietary mobile scanning software allows us to track products with high accuracy throughout all phases, such as:

  • Receipt of products (incoming transfers)
  • Picking and packaging (order fulfilment or outgoing transfers)
  • On-demand stock level checks, such as stock-taking or line checks
  • Storage management, such as put-away

CCTV feed integration

Our fully-tracked scanning solution already allows us to reach excellent precision rates, but we aim higher! By adding a tracking information overlay on top of our High-Resolution CCTV camera feeds, we can now visually confirm human errors and continuously improve our workflow.

Real-time Location Service*

We are availing of Ultra-wideband (UWB) technology to locate the exact point where a product is scanned within our warehouses, as well as guiding our operatives around.
Currently in experimental phase